Preliminary Acknowledgements, Notes, and Keys:

  1. All of us would like to thank the National Council of Secondary Teachers of Japanese for sponsoring this ACTFL session and the institutions where we work for sponsoring our attendance. Our thanks go out to various software developers and distributors who made copies available for review. I would also add my thanks to the Center for Global Partnership/The Laurasian Institution/JALEX, to Charles Reinecke, to Fred Lorish, and to my co-presenters at this conference, as well as to Township Dist. 214 Elk Grove H.S. for the printing costs. (CD)
  2. We highly recommend Mangajin magazine as a source of information on Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)) for the Macintosh or the IBM-compatibles. Issue #39 (October, 94) contained "A Comprehensive Guide to Computer Assisted Language Learning." Most recent issues contain at least one software review, and all contain advertisements of products on the market.
  3. Persons with e-mail may wish to subscribe to the JTIT-L (Japanese Teachers and Instructional Technology Listserve). To subscribe, send an e-mail with the subject line blank to The contents of the message should be merely SUBSCRIBE JTIT-L Your Name.
  4. Some of the following are not truly CALL programs but were included because we thought they be of interest to at least some of those in the audience. Some are reviews based on previous versions or IBM versions that we know are being modified for the Macintosh System 7, while some are announcements by their creators or contact persons. We make no claim that our list is exhaustive.
  5. Space limitations prevent inclusion of most of the software reviewed in Fred Lorish and Cliff Darnall's '92 ACTFL review of Macintosh CALL software. Some of the software is no longer available but much is.
  6. JLK refers to the Japanese Language Kit, a set of system extensions that allows Macintosh computers running system 7.1 or better to display and handle Japanese text. It is available directly from Apple to educational and governmental institutions at $137. Alternatively, KanjiTalk 7, the Japanese-language operating system for the Macintosh in Japan, can be used whenever JLK is required. We have indicated whether or not the JLK is necessary. In some cases it is not necessary but allows for greater options for use of the program.
  7. Some programs list color monitors as required but in fact will work on a gray-scale screen. If you have a gray-scale powerbook, for example, check with the developer to see if it will run.
  8. There are many possible venues for use of CALL materials. Some of the reviews suggest what we feel were the most appropriate ones, using the following codes:
WhGrp Whole Group
a single copy is used on a classroom computer with large monitor with the whole class
SmGrp Small Group
a small group or individual uses it on the one classroom computer during class
CmpLb Computer lab
the entire class goes there, where we assume that there are enough computers and software copies to put only one or two students per computer
RscRmResource Room
Students go to use independently when they do not have class; purposes include reference, remediation, additional practice, and enrichment.
SlfSt Self Study
independent of a class
MatPr Materials Preparation
Materials Preparation by Teacher