E-tomo for the Macintosh: a Japanese e-mail utility (Freeware)
written by Atsushi Fukada (afukada@purdue.edu)
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Purdue University
E-tomo is designed to make possible or otherwise facilitate Japanese e-mail.
Specifically, it decodes garbage like the following for you.
Japanese text send over the Internet or other networks is known to get
corrupted sometimes. There are various corruption patterns. E-tomo can
detect a pattern of corruption and decode text accordingly.
After you have downloaded E-tomo (see below for how to do this), first
un-binhex it using software like Binhex, StuffIt! and Compact Pro. The
resulting file is a self-dearchiving file, so just double-click on it and
extract the content. (If your Web browser is set up to work with such software
as mentioned above, dearchiving will happen automatically.) The end result
is a folder called "E-tomo v.1.0" or "E-tomo v.2.0". There is an MS-Word
file called "E-tomo manual", which will give you further instructions.
I hope you'll find E-tomo useful. Give me mail in Japanese!
Version 2.1 features:
It's a standalone program now. HyperCard is no longer required.
uses less memory: 750K
keyboard shortcuts have been added
resizable and movable window
text attributes (font, size, style, and line height) can be changed conveniently
through the text attributes dialog window
all these settings and others are remembered from session to session
a function has been added for removing leading spaces and tabs which can
get in the way of proper decoding
a function has been added for removing unwanted caridge returns and line
feeds which can cause problems in decoding
report on the status of the escape character has been made an option which
can be turned on or off
DOWNLOAD E-TOMO V.2.1 (Now compatible with MacOS 8.x and 9.x)
This page was created by Atsushi