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Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
5. Chinese (person) 6. Korean (person) 7. high school students 8. The language you're studying right now 10. Are you a freshman / first-year student? 15. China 16. Japanese literature 17. History 18. English language 19. What year are you in? 21. はい ⇔ ( ) 22. (I) am a junior / third-year student. 25. (No,) that's not so. 26. Business
1. アジア( ):Asian studies 2. Are you a college student? 3. What time is it now? 4. graduate student 9. senior / fourth-year student 11. What is your major? 12. engineering 13. Where are you from? (Use どこ、きました) 14. exchange student 16. (I) am a sophomore / second-year student. 19. name 20. (Yes,) that's so. 23. teacher 24. いいえ ⇔ ( )
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