Resource Handout 8-1-2003
畑佐一味 (Kazumi Hatasa)
Purdue University
総合的なリンク集 (Comprehensive Lists)
文字学習 (Orthography)
- WWKanji
(中部大)( 現在うまく繋がりません。
- JKanji (中部大)書き方 筆順分析 (
- 雅芳 gahoh (
- Kanji Flashcards 500 (
- Ultimate Kana Challenge
- Hiragana
& Katakana (パデュー大学) (
読み・読解学習 (Reading)
- (
- れじぶるN.C.(教育情報ナショナルセンター)(
- 日本語読解システムあすなろ(東工大留学生センター)単語ヘルプ 構文ヘルプ
- リーディングチュウ太(東京国際大学)(
- CATERS (パデュー大学・筑波大学)
文法学習 (Grammar)
聴解 (Listening)
談話・会話レベルの練習 (Discourse level exercises)
- たけしの日記 (
書き・作文 (Composition)
- 学習者用変換辞書(パデュー大学)(
- CoCoA (徳島大)/E-Correct
(エイペックス) 電子メールを使った作文・原稿検索支援システム (
文献リストと検索 (Reference and Search)
オンラインの教科書 (On-line textbook)
- Japanese Online (Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.) (
教科書サポート (Support sites for textbooks)
- A Course in Modern
Japanese (名古屋大学)(
- げんき (ジャパンタイムズ) (
- なかま (Houghton
Mifflin) (
- ようこそ
(McGraw Hill) (
共有教材・素材集 (Sharable Resource Collections)
日本語教育用クリップアート集(Japanese clip art for instructional
Material archive Clip art collection
A clip art collection done by Center for Applied Japanese Language Studies.
Categories include food, sports, and weather. (Carl Falsgraf)
- Clip
Art Collection for FL instruction (ライセンスフリー語学教育用クリップアート)
A clip art collection designed for language instruction. Categories
include verbs, adjectives, buildings and places, food and drinks, people
and animals, sports, things and events, time, vehicle. Royalty free for
educational use. (Kazumi Hatasa, Purdue University)
- Free
Downloadable Visual Aids (絵教材)
A growing collection of clip art designed by a professional artist for
Japanese language instruction. Categories include activities, story and
seasonal scenes. (Naoshi Shindo & NihongoWeb)
- Image
Database for Instructors of Japanese
A clip art collection designed for Japanese language instruction. Categories
include Kana Chart, signs, greetings and short phrases, prohibitions, permissions,
weather, emotions. Royalty free for educational use. (Masato Kikuchi, Georgia
Technology of Institute)
- Picture
cards for Japanese verbs (日本語動詞の絵カード)
A collection of clip art of actions designed for Japanese language instruction.
(Isao Mizumachi, Hiroshima University)
- Picture
A collection of clip art designed for Japanese language instruction.
Categories include actions, food, and various kinds of objects. (Saeko Komori,
Chubu University)
- Thumb Nail:
Illustrative Sentence Search System
Large amount of line drawings for Japanese language instruction. The
database is searchable. Each illustration comes with an example sentence
and key words. (CASTEL/J 日本語教育システム研究会)
日本の一般向けクリップアート(Japanese clip art for general
- Kaleidoscope
Free Clip Art(万華鏡・フリークリップアート、素材集集)
日本の伝統的なイメージのクリップアート集 花、家紋、隈取り、つば、提灯、など多数。
A collection of traditional Japanese images and designs including plants
and flowers, Kabuto, Tsuba, Matoi, lantern, Sushi, Kumadori, etc. Free for
personal use.
- Ushikai to Aikon no Heya(牛飼いとアイコンの部屋)
可愛いイメージをもったアイコン集 人物、動物、サインなど多数。
A collection of icons and graphical images including animated graphics.
People, animals, signs, night, etc.
日本の写真集(Japanese phtographs for instructional
- A Day with Kentaro
This is a project by the Japan Forum. Photographs taken at different times
in the daily life of a Japanese boy.
- AV Resource Database for
Japanese Language Instruction
This is a reimplementation of Royalty-free Photo Gallery for Japanese
Language Instruction. It now contains over 700 pictures in a database and
has a search function to retrieve necessary pictures using keywords in English
or Japanese. (Kazumi Hatasa, Purdue University)
- Copyright-free Audio-Visual
Resource Center(オーディオ・ビジュアル・リソース・センター)
This collection contains over 400 color slides for instructional use.
Categories include food, stores, houses, customs, cars, signs, entertainment,
etc. (Ken Ujie, Washington & Lee University)
- 国立国語研究所日本語教育研修センターのコレクション
A collection of photos taken for Japanese language instruction. (Yoshiaki
Yanagisawa, The National Language Research Institute)
- Paula Henning's Japanese
Photo Album
A collection of photos taken by Ms. Paula Henning during her trip
to Japan. Very nice pictures. (Paula Henning, Sunbury Secondary College, Victoria,
- Picture Gallery of
Japan (日本の写真館)
A collection of photos taken in Japan. Beautiful pictures of sceneries
in Japan. (Yasuhiro Omoto, Nihongoweb)
- Search engine of image files by
This is a general image database. It picks up image files based on their
file names. If you have your own homepage and know the names of graphic
files (e.g. your photograph file), it will probably find it. Thus, there
is no fixed collection of pictures.