Announcing NPCR-SE
—A Speak Everywhere oral exercise package for New Practical Chinese Reader—
Project Directors: Atsushi Fukada and Wei Hong
Exercise Authors: Bailu Li, Ying Wu, and Jinhua Li.

What is Speak Everywhere (SE)?
Speak Everywhere is an online oral practice/assessment platform where instructors can create oral exercises and assign them to their students. The students access the assigned exercises and work on them. The instructors can listen to oral productions that the students submit, grade them, or give feedback on them. Exercises can be used as oral tests (to be completed either in a computer lab or at home). Many exercise formats are available, such as repeat after the instructor, Q&A, structure drills, flashcards, role-play, describe an image/photo/video, etc. For more information including video demos, click here.
What is NPCR-SE?
Speak Everywhere is a general platform compatible with any language. Any instructor can create oral exercises and use them with students. Purdue University's Chinese program has been developing oral exercises for the New Practical Chinese Reader textbook for two years and has been using them in actual courses with a great deal of success. We are now ready to release them as NPCR-SE, a comprehensive package of oral activities designed for NPCR to be used on Speak Everywhere.
Who is it for?
The NPCR-SE package is designed for instructors of Chinese who wish to offer their students a comprehensive set of oral exercises to enhance students’ practice and learning of contemporary Mandarin via the NPCR textbook. Students will benefit greatly from the numerous extra opportunities for oral practice.
How much does it cost?
NPCR-SE is distributed free of charge.
How to use it?
Sign up for an SE account here and request that NPCR-SE be loaded into your account.
Key features
- Exercises designed expressly for the New Practical Chinese Reader textbook
- Comprehensive oral practice for 100s of key vocabulary words
- Video prompts for all exercises by native speakers
- Easy for instructors and students to use and requires no software installation
- Dramatically increases your students’ oral practice opportunities by making it possible to give speaking homework
Demonstration videos
Click to access demonstration videos.
Please click here to inquire about the NPCR-SE package.
The Center for Technology-Enhanced Language Learning and Instruction
is a research and development unit of the
School of Languages and Cultures, Purdue University.